I am based in North Devon; my clients come from all over the world. I aim to respond to enquiries within 24 hours.
01271 882 372
Inglewood, Barton Gate Lane,
Combe Martin, Ilfracombe, Devon, EX34 0AQ
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 – 4.30
Get in touch by Email
To help me quote you accurately for proofreading or copyediting, when you contact me by email, please attach a chapter-length sample that is representative of your project.
If you are an academic or an institution and you are interested in my research support consultancy, please use the Contact Form to get in touch.
Please tell me
What your project is – a book, an article, a book proposal, a thesis, a dissertation …
What stage your project is at – development, ready for submission, final proofs …
Title of your project
Discipline or subject
Length in words
Format - Microsoft Word or PDF
When your project will be ready for me to begin work
Your deadline for completion of the work
Alternatively, use the Contact Form below.